How would you rate this website, the user experience, the look and feel?
Is there any feedback you'd want to leave? Or any feature you'd want to request?
How would you rate this website, the user experience, the look and feel?
Is there any feedback you'd want to leave? Or any feature you'd want to request?
The concept is great, especially the points system, it forces people to give feedback to get some.
The look of the website is good but won't say it's the best. I feel like it's lacking icons or images?
I came here to ask for a feature:
I was a bit confused of whether the text box is to reply to the idea. I realized I need to click "Review this post" instead of typing in directly an existing text box. There is no deletion either, but understandable!
A big problem would be the UI, it's not nice to look at.
Only realised I needed to click review post because another user mentioned it. I think it may just be because of the image you have used for this post, it looks interactive like I can click the ratings.
The site is a nice design for day one of your release, but I think it it could be improved over time. It feels a little narrow on my display.
The whole idea and points system seems good to me. Good luck!
Overall, really good concept!
I'd prefer to see a description of each topic without having to click on each post. UI is not the best but not the worst.
The concept is fantastic - it's great for people to get quick brutally honest feedback, and likewise a good platform for enthusiasts to provide thoughts & feedback.
UX is decent, but typography, layout and other design elements can be improved to give a cleaner, more intuitive experience. I think the way you're showing the summary survey results could be better - try making it more compact perhaps. Currently feels slightly clunky (most probably due to typography), and I felt a slightly higher cognitive load to grasp a post when I first opened it, and to figure out how to respond to it. Initially I tried clicking the sumary survey results since it felt interative but it isn't. (That may just be me being thick-headed!)
Image & video support would be a great P0 feature.
good idea, very much worth exploring.
don't know if it's setup like this but, to encourage old users to reengage (after they get 100 points) is to substract 20-50 points each time they submit something for review
I don't particularly like the look and feel – Reminds me a lot of Google Forms. It is, however, quite easy to use and I appreciate the concept.
I'm on mobile. Better than using Google search console on mobile (tbh not that hard)
Signup was easy. There should be bonus points for signing up.
I like the idea. I see the problem that you are trying to solve.
a big feedback is that you should include a log in with google or some other log in system. I inherently do not like it when websites have there own log in as now I need to trust you to store everything well, and it just opens you up to issues one day when/if you get hacked
I guess there will definetely be a bias in the people that post these reviews, especially on your website, as the people who post are the people who like the idea
Really like the concept. Improvements need to be made on the UX/UI.
Use better colours and fonts to make it more attractive.
I like this website and I like that it encourages people to submit at least five reviews to participate.
each time one of the fields is not filled, that field should be highlighted