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Posted by ybouane

So I've built a this tool called It's a video conferencing app that has the particularity of focusing on quick calls. There's a timer for each call and when time is up, the video conference ends.

  • No more endless calls with people talking about everything and anything.
  • It forces people to be productive and efficient in their calls.
  • No more zoom fatigue.

The product works and I launched it on ProductHunt. It didn't get much traction though!

Is the idea bad? How should I market this product?

Survey Results

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4 answers

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Yes 25% No 50% Maybe 25%
Don't you get something similar due to Zooms 40min time limit on free accounts?  — markus_kramer I think it is great in building habits but not sure if it manages to make mindset changes  — meeppupo Read this post about the challenges in this space "virtual office"  — ruslan_t @ruslan_t Interesting read!  — ybouane addReview this post

Reviews (4)

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Rate the website's branding and look

star star star star star 4.0

What would you suggest in terms of marketing?

I think X (Twitter) would be a good place to promote the product. That and LinkedIn. You should focus your efforts on places where professionals are and where people talk about work. Maybe you can also try to find influencers in the "productivity" segment.

Would you use this?


The UI is great! Slick and simple. I like it, but can see people discard the tool because it looks too friendly and not serious enough.

The idea is great especially for people that value their time but and issue could be that some people might see it as disrespectful to be cut off like that.

Review by mamadou92
Thanks for the feedback and for the marketing ideas you shared ;)  — ybouane I think it is great in building habits but not sure if it manages to make mindset changes  — meeppupo keyboard_arrow_up 1 keyboard_arrow_down

Rate the website's branding and look

star star star star star 4.0

What would you suggest in terms of marketing?

I think the site is efficient and straight to the point. But based on information on it, I wonder how will it be different from setting a time-constrained Google Calendar call

Would you use this?


The idea is great. However, I wonder if the solution direction is sustainable since the problem lies in the culture and mindset. Although having a "third-party" to make you commit is easier to stick, I'm not entirely sure if compares that to a willingly-ended, voluntarily commit call, which one will be better for the org. But I'm sure there is potential to this type of "commitment device"!

Review by meeppupo
I didn't know that was possible actually. So you can limit the duration of Google Meet calls?  — ybouane keyboard_arrow_up 1 keyboard_arrow_down

Rate the website's branding and look

star star star star star 3.0

What would you suggest in terms of marketing?

Targeted to startups?

Would you use this?


I struggle to think of people who would use this. If you want your meeting to last 15 minutes, you can just choose to end it after 15 minutes. Furthermore, don't existing video conferencing applications already allow for this? If not, what if they do in the future?

The big problem with this, is that you are competing with large well-established incumbents with only a single feature as your main selling point.

Review by kingkhalid
The thing is that for some people (including me), we find it difficult to tell the other person to be more efficient or that we don't have any more time for the meeting. The timer takes care of doing that for us. The person sees that the time is running out and the call will end once the time is up, so the pressure is coming from the timer, not me. But it is a good point to say that such a simple feature could easily be replicated by the other big players if QuickCall takes off...  — ybouane keyboard_arrow_up 1 keyboard_arrow_down

Rate the website's branding and look

star star star star star 1.0

What would you suggest in terms of marketing?

This would be best marketed to businesses who want to reduce time in meetings and improve efficiency (B2B marketing)

Would you use this?


Perhaps this could instead be a browser extension that tracks/monitors meetings and alerts you if they're taking too long.

Review by rentables
Good idea for B2B 👍🏼  — ybouane